Apply For A Business License Lincoln, Nebraska

Will I Need a Business License to Operate My Business in Lincoln, Nebraska?

There are approximately twenty different types of licenses for businesses in Lincoln and many of the applications for these licenses are available online at the City of Lincoln website.  There is no general business license available in Lincoln.  If you do not see the specific business license that best suits your business, you should contact the Lincoln City Clerk’s Office at (402)441-7426.  Some of the business licenses available online include licenses for pawn broker, tobacco sales, wholesale vending machines, equine related services, auctioneer, etc.  There is an option for some of the licenses to fill them in online and then print them. 

Is There General Information Required For a Lincoln Business License Application?

Most business license applications for all business licenses will request information such as your name, home address, your date of birth, social security number and email address.  You may need to provide information such as whether your business is part of a corporation, an association, or is individually owned.  You will likely need to give contact information on any other owners or employees that you will be working with, and  disclose if any of them have had any convictions of crimes involving moral misconduct. 

Generally, all applications will request the name of your business, its physical and mailing address and all contact phone numbers associated with it.  Most of the business license applications require a signature from the owner of the business stating that all information that you provide is true and correct.  In the event that you are not required to sign your application, the information that you provide should still be true and correct and any false information could slow the licensure process or even cause your license to be denied or revoked. 

The information gathered on each business license application will vary depending on the business that you plan to conduct.  It is important that you contact the City Clerk’s Office for information if you are not sure which license application will best suit your business, or if you have any questions or need any assistance while completing your business license application.  They can be reached by phone at (402)441-7426. 

Do I Have to Pay for My Lincoln Business License?

The fees that are charged for a business license will depend largely on the type of business that you are conducting, and which business license application that you are required to file.  You may wish to browse the business license section of the City of Lincoln website to find the business license application that best fits your business.  The  business license applications generally have the initial fee posted on the first page of the business license application. 

How Long Will My License Be Valid?

Most business licenses are valid for one year, starting on June 1 and ending on May 31.  You will want to contact the City Clerk’s Office if your application does not state a specific date for validity.  They are reached by phone at (402)411-7426.

If I Need More Information, Whom Shall I Contact?

Unless otherwise indicated on your business license application, contact:

City Clerk’s Office
555 S. 10th St.
Lincoln Ne 68508

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

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