Apply For A Business License Utah - UT
Who must license their Utah business?
By law, all businesses are required to be licensed with the local municipality in which they are doing business. General standards exists for licensure, however each city might have unique requirements and procedures. It is best to contact your city or county office to know the exact standards that are set for each license. You can find a your municipality's contact information by using the links below. Additionally, the State of Utah requires certain state-level licenses and registrations depending the on the type of business you are running.
To do business in Utah you must do the following:
1. Register your business name and entity type (i.e.,
corporation, sole proprietorship, etc.). This you do
by filing with the Utah Department of Commerce, Division
of Corporations and Commercial Code.
2. Apply for a Sales & Use Tax License from the
Utah State Tax Commission (only if you will be selling
goods or products in the state).
3. Apply for an Employee Income Tax Withholding Number
from the Utah State Tax Commission (only if you will
have employees).
4. Apply for an Unemployment Insurance Employer Identification
Number from the Department of Workforce Services (only
if you will have employees).
5. Apply for a city business license from the city
your business is located in.
The state of Utah has “One Stop” online business registration that guides you through the application at, however, it does not complete the city business license process (as explained below).
What information do I need to register with the State of Utah?
1. Business Name (this will either be a corporate name or a "doing business as" name. Make sure no one else has taken this name already).
2. Business Entity Type (corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, etc.)
3. Business Activities (What type of business will you be doing? Make sure you are allowed to do that type of activity in that area. You'll need to look into the zoning laws of your city)
4. Start Date (What date will you start business and hire employees?)
5. Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, Social Security Numbers, etc. for each of the owners.
6. Federal ID Number (If you are a corporation,
LLC, etc.)
What fees are required for a Utah business license?
The fees required to be paid to the State are in addition to any fees that will be paid at the city level. Each State agency requires a separate fee. Using the One Stop registration, you'll pay filing fees for the Utah Department of Commerce and the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code, in addition to other agencies that may regulate your business. The fees typically range from $22.00 to $52.00 and can be paid with a credit card.
Why do cities need to license Utah businesses?
Cities license businesses to make sure that:
* the location is properly zoned
* the building the business will be operating in is
within fire safety codes and standards
* all state and local codes are adhered to making
sure the safety and well-being of our citizens
* businesses are properly regulated
What do I need to apply for a city Utah business license?
Typically, all commercial Utah business licenses must be reviewed for zoning and building compliance and fire safety codes.
If your business is regulated by the state or if your business involves food preparation, you must also be in good compliance with the appropriate state agency and the Health Department.
This however, is what you most likely will need to
apply for a “General Utah Business License” for each city:
* completed city Corporate Application for a new business
and Regulatory License Form
* all necessary fees
* registration with the Utah State Department of Commerce
(business name, Corporation,
* LLC, partnership) at
* State Sales Tax number (if applicable)
* Federal tax ID number (if applicable)
Your application process will be smoother if you bring all this information with you when you apply for your Utah business license. The easiest way to apply is by accessing the city's website where your businesses activity is held. Most cities provide easy step by step instructions and an online process so you don’t have to go down in person. Although the State of Utah online One Stop registration does collect some of the information for the Utah business license, you still need to complete the license application with the city and pay the required city business license fees.
How long does it take to receive a Utah business license?
Most business licenses in the cities can be issued within 30 days. You can contact the city or county your businesses activity is in by calling or emailing the appropriate department (i.e., building, zoning, fire department, health department).
What is the fee for applying for a Utah business license?
Each license varies depending on the location of the business. For example, Salt Lake City has a non-refundable fee of $75, while the fee in the City of St. George is $50. Certain types of businesses may require additional fees.
Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license
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Provo | Salt Lake City | Sandy |
Taylorsville | West Jordan | West Valley City |
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