Apply For A Business License Sandy, Utah
What general information is required on a business license applications?
Does Sandy require business-specific information?
Sandy requires business-specific information depending on the type of business you own. Thus, Sandy has several different applications depending on the type of business you plan on opening. The following list details the different business license applications Sandy offers and the necessary information for each application. For more information please see
Are any other steps required?
Approval is required from several different city departments before a business license is issued. To avoid unnecessary delays, Sandy suggests that you contact the following departments for appointments prior to turning in your application:
Sandy Fire Department: (801) 568-2943
Sandy Building and Safety Department: (801) 568-7251
Salt Lake County Health Department: (801) 313-6620 (Food) or (801) 313-6641 (Salon)
Utah Department of Agriculture Regulatory Services (801) 538-7159 (Food) or (801) 538-7188 (Pesticide)
Contact the Sandy License Department for additional requirements regarding alcohol sales, sexually-oriented businesses, pawnbroker, auctioneer, and arcades.
How long is the approval process?
Commercial businesses are generally issued 30 days after receipt of a completed application. Approval time may be longer for alcohol sales and sexually-oriented businesses.
What are the business license fees I’ll need to pay?
A business license has different fees depending on the nature of the business. Fees may be prorated. The following list outlines the different fees associated with each application:
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