Apply For A Business License West Valley City, Utah
Do I need a business license?
Every business that operates in West Valley requires a business license. What type of license is required depends on the type of business you are running (see below).
What general information does West Valley require?
Does West Valley require business-specific information?
West Valley requires business-specific information depending on the type of business you own. Thus, West Valley has several different applications depending on the type of business you plan on opening. The following list details the different business license applications West Valley offers and the necessary information for each application. For more information please see
What Additional Steps Are Required?
If you own a home-based businesses that grosses less than $1,000 annually, just sign an affidavit stating your situation and immediately apply for a business license if your annual gross increases.
How Much Does a Business License Cost?
A business license has different fees depending on the nature of the business. Late fees may apply. The following list outlines the different fees associated with each type of business:
- Base Fee: $110
- Inspection Fee (new or relocated business): $50
- Employee Fee: $10 per employee
- Vehicle Parking Stickers: $0.50 per sticker (delivery vehicles only)
- Alcohol License Fee (Restaurants): $500
- Alcohol License Fee (All other businesses): $500 plus $1,000 disproportionate fee
- Banks and Credit Unions: $500 disproportionate fee
- Department Stores and Shopping Mall Management Offices: $1,000 disproportionate fee
- Drive-In Motion Picture Theatres: $1,000 disproportionate fee
- Home Improvement Center: $1,000 disproportionate fee
- Hotels and Motels: $1,500 disproportionate fee
- Mobile Home Parks: $31 per pad
- Rental Dwelling Units: $94 per unit ($20 per unit if member of the Good Landlord Program)
- Pawn Shops: $500 regulatory fee plus $1,200 disproportionate fee
- Racetrack: $1,000 disproportionate fee
- Salvage Yards: $1,000 regulatory fee plus $100 disproportionate fee
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