Apply For A Business License Abilene, Texas
Do I need a business license to operate in the City of Abilene, Texas?
Fortunately, the City of Abilene does not require a business or occupational license to conduct all types of business ventures with in the city limits. There are only a select few types of business that must obtain licensing or permitting. Additionally, it is important to understand that there are other kinds of business requirements that must be satisfied before business can commence. For example, the City of Abiliene requires that you ensure that your business location is zoned for business activity and that the Fire Department inspects the property for safety.
How can I ensure that my business is properly zoned in Abilene, TX?
All business owners are required to gain approval from the Planning and Zoning Department, the Building Inspections Department, and the Fire Department. The Planning and Zoning Department is responsible for ensuring that the business location is zoned by the City to conduct your type of business. The Building Inspections Division is responsible for ensuring that the property itself is safe overall and meets all City of Abilene inspection guidelines. The Fire Department designates how many bodies can safely be in your business confines within one given time. They also inspect the property for fire safety. To contact the departments, please call:
- Planning and Zoning Department: call (325) 676-6273 or go to City Hall, 555 Walnut, 1st Floor, Abilene, TX, open between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- Building Inspection Department: call (325) 676-6273 or go to City Hall, 555 Walnut, Room 100, Abilene, TX, open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on Wednesdays when the Office closes early for staff meetings at 3:30 p.m. through 4:00 p.m. Inspectors may be contacted throughout the week between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. through 4:30 p.m.
- Fire Department: Call (325) 676-6676 or visit 250 Grape Street, Abilene, TX, open to the public from the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
What will it cost to obtain an Abilene, Texas business license?
The cost is an annual tax that will be due to the City of Abilene and is payable on or before April 15th of each year for the previous calendar year. The City Secretary's Office computes what your business taxes will be based on a list of criterion that is specific to your business. For information on what to expect for your business taxes please call the City Secretary's Office at (325) 676-6208 for an estimate.
What will I need to complete the business license application process in Abilene?
Once you contact the City Secretary's Office (please call them at 325-676-6208) and they advise you whether you will need to complete an application or not (the vast majority of business owners do not have to complete a business license application) the general information that you will need follows:
- Trade name of business
- Address or location
- Billing address
- Name of applicant
- Applicant’s mailing address
- Application filed for which purpose
- Signatures of personnel from: Planning and Zoning Department, Building Inspections Department, and the Fire Department
- Applicant’s signature
What do I do to obtain an Abilene Alcohol Establishment Permit or License?
In conjunction with the Liquor License Application (available online at, there is also a checklist that must be completed before obtaining the mandated city signatures on the Abilene Texas Liquor License Application. The City Secretary's Office (please call them at 325-676-6208) will issue a checklist to you that outlines the prerequisites of the following departments:
- Police Department Records Clerk, located at 450 Pecan, Abilene, TX
- Fire Department, located at 250 Grape, Abilene, TX
- Planning and Zoning Department, located at 555 Walnut 1st Floor, Abilene, TX
- Health Department-Environmental Health, found at 555 Walnut 1st Floor, Abilene, TX
- Building Inspection Office, located at 555 Walnut 1st Floor, Abilene, TX
- City’s Secretary Office, found at 555 Walnut 2nd Floor, Abilene, TX
Where do I apply for an Abilene, Texas business license?
Most business owners do not have to apply for a business license. Only a select few of Abilnee businesses are required to apply for specialty permits or licenses. To determine whether you will need to apply, please call the City’s Secretary Office at (325) 676-6208 or go to the City’s Secretary Office, located at City Hall 1st Floor, 555 Walnut, Abilene, TX.
What if I will have an adult Abilene business?
It is important to know that only 5% of the City of Abilene is designated for the purpose of sexually-orientated business. The City of Abilene asks that you complete a questionnaire that the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has created. You can find this application questionnaire at Additionally, it is required that you contact the Abilene Planning and Zoning Department, the Building Inspections Department, and the Fire Department for approval on your business location and safety requirements.
Who can I contact for further questions?
The City of Abilene asks that you contact the City’s Secretary Office. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. except for Wednesday staff meetings, at which time they will be closed from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will reopen from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The City’s Secretary Office is located at City Hall, 555 Walnut, Abilene, TX. To learn more, call (325) 676-6208 or visit the city website at
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