Apply For A Business License Bryan, Texas
Is everyone required to apply for a Bryan, Texas business license?
No. In fact, the vast majority of business owners in Bryan, TX are not required to obtain a business license. Licenses are only mandated for certain businesses, for example, taxi cab driving and the serving of alcohol at an establishment. So, the licenses are vocation-specific (this is a term that is sometimes used by the City of Bryan). The list of business types that require a business license in order to lawfully operate can be updated and changed by the City at any time so it is recommended that you speak to a representative at the City of Bryan and inquire whether or not your business type will need a business license. Please call at the City’s Permits and Licenses Division, City Secretary’s Office at (979) 209-5002. Additionally, you may also go to the office in person:
City of Bryan
Permits and Licenses
300 South Texas Avenue
Bryan, Texas 77803
(979) 209-5002
Currently, the businesses and vocations that are mandated to obtain business licenses and permits are:
- Alcoholic Beverage License
- Taxi Cab Service License
- Taxi Cab Driver Permit
- Limousine Vehicle Permit
- Grave Digging Permit
- Non-Emergency Transfer Permit
- Oil and Gas Drilling Permit
- Horse-Drawn Carriage Permit
You may visit the website for further information,
How long does it take to acquire a business license or permit in Bryan, TX?
Permits and licenses in the City of Bryan take approximately one to two weeks to receive, depending on the nature of the permit.
Is there a fee for applying for City of Bryan business licenses or permits?
- Grave Digging Permit - $120 annually
- Taxi Cab Service License - $50 annually
- Taxi Cab Driver Permit - $0 annually
- Non-Emergency Transfer Permit - $50 application fee
- Horse-Drawn Carriage Permit - $50 annually
The other permits and licenses previously noted are not listed here as they are subject to change. For information, please call the Permits and Licenses Division, City Secretary’s Office at (979) 209-5002.
Are there any other costs to receive a business license or permit in Bryan?
There may be other fees for the inspection of your business location and for processing paperwork associated with inspection. You may call contact the Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission at (979) 209-5120 and the Fire Department at (979) 209-5970 for information as to what the specific fees or costs may be.
Are there any other forms that are required?
Most business owners are not obligated to obtain a business license, but all are required to have the business location verified with the Planning and Zoning Department and the Fire Marshall to ensure safety of patrons. You may contact the Planning and Zoning Commission at (979) 209-5120 and you may also call the Fire Department at (979) 209-5970 to obtain the necessary forms to open business doors.
Planning and Zoning Commission
300 South Texas Avenue
Bryan, Texas 77803
Fire Department
1207 Texas Avenue
Bryan, Texas 77803
Are there any more questions or concerns in regards to Bryan business licenses or permits?
Contact the City of Bryan, Permits and Licenses Division at (979) 209-5002 or go to the office in person:
City of Bryan
Permits and Licenses
300 South Texas Avenue
Bryan, Texas 77803
(979) 209-5002
Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license
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