Apply For A Business License Harlingen, Texas
Does Harlingen, TX require specialty business licenses or permits?
The City of Harlingen, Texas requires only a few designated business permits for very specific business services and activities. They are also known as business specialty permits. At this time, the permits that are available to receive are: Food Establishment and Serving Permit, Alcohol Permit (issued through the state organization TABC), Solicitor’s Permit, and Itinerant Vendor Permit.
What information will I need for a business license application or permit application in Harlingen, Texas?
If you are one of the few that need to complete a business permit application, the information that you will require is very basic, generally it is: name of applicant, applicant’s address, applicant’s phone number, business owner’s name, what type of company (sole proprietorship, limited partnership, corporation, etc.), business services or activities to be provided, completion of Certificate of Occupancy, signatures of applicant and owner, date of signatures.
How much does a Harlingen business license or permit cost?
The fees for obtaining business permits as well as the fees associated with receiving a Certificate of Occupancy are not online due to the fact that the City requests that you call them directly for an estimate. Contact the City Secretary Office at (956) 216-5000.
What about a sexually-oriented business in Harlingen?
A business permit is not required of those entrepreneurs that wish to open a sexually-oriented business within Harlingen’s city limits. What is required, however, is a that you receive a Certificate of Occupancy from the City (read the question entitled, “What needs to be done for Harlingen Zoning Verification?”) and that you complete a questionnaire called the “Texas Sexually Oriented Business Fee Questionnaire” which asks for a thorough description of what your business will entail, name of the owner, name of business partner or sole proprietorship, corporation or joint venture, etc., mailing address of owner, physical address of business, signatures and date.
What about an Alcohol Permit in Harlingen?
This is governed by the state. You will need to contact the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission at (956) 565-3621 for further details on the requirements.
What needs to be done for Harlingen zoning verification?
You will be required to remit an application with the Harlingen Planning and Zoning Division for a Certificate of Occupancy. This verifies the safety of your chosen business location and that it conforms to the City of Harlingen Municipal Guidelines for zoning. At this time, the Certificate of Occupancy Application is online at You may also go physically to the Planning and Zoning Division directly:
City of Harlingen
Planning and Zoning Division
118 East Tyler Avenue
Harlingen, TX 78550-9116
If you would like to speak with the office, the phone number is (956) 216-5260. Once you complete the Certificate of Occupancy Application, you may fax it back to (956) 216-5265.
How long does it take to receive the business license or a permit in Harlingen, Texas?
The entire process from start to finish takes approximately five business days. Although it can take longer than that, five days is the general wait time.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
Please contact the Harlingen City Secretary Office if you have any additional questions. They may be reached at (956) 216-5000. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Both the physical and the mailing address is:
City of Harlingen
City Secretary Office
118 East Tyler Avenue
Harlingen, TX 78550-9116
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