Apply For A Business License Mesquite, Texas

Looking to start a business in Mesquite, Texas?

Starting a business in Mesquite usually does not require obtaining a business license or permit as the City of Mesquite only designates a small amount of businesses that are obligated to do so. The City of Mesquite offers assistance to new business owners who desire to begin business within the limits of the City of Mesquite through the Economic Development Department. The Economic Development Department provides information regarding possible loans and even grants that may be available to aid you with beginning your business. Additionally, the Economic Development Department provides the step-by-step answers. It is highly recommended that you speak with them before opening business doors. Visit the Economic Development Department at Mesquite Economic Development for details or contact them by phone at (972) 216-6340.

Who is required to apply for a Mesquite business permit?

Those businesses activities that mandate business permitting are:

-Food Service Permit

-Temporary Event Permit

City of Mesquite, Health Division (Food Service Permit information as well as Temporary Event Information)
1515 North Galloway Avenue
Mesquite, TX 75149
(972) 216-8138
Fax: (972) 216-6908

-Alcoholic Beverage Establishment and Serving (alcohol permit information)
Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission
2225 East Randol Mill Road
Suite 200
Arlington, TX 76011

As this list may be updated at any time, it is always advisable to speak directly with a representative from the City of Mesquite.

What costs are expected of those who apply for any business permits in Mesquite, Texas?

The fees vary so widely that the City of Mesquite asks that you call them for more details regarding costs and fees. Call them at (972) 216-6244.

Who can I contact for a Mesquite home-based business or home occupation?

If your business falls into one of the above categories, then you will be required to get that specific permit in conjunction with the Mesquite Certificate of Occupancy that is issued by the Planning and Zoning Department. All business owners are obligated to have an inspection of their property as well as the subsequent Certificate of Occupancy to be issued which deems the business property to be safe and suitable for the type of business activity.

City of Mesquite
Planning and Zoning Department
1515 North Galloway Avenue
Mesquite, TX 75149
Phone: (972) 216-6216
Fax: (972) 216-8109
Mesquite Planning

Mailing Address:

City of Mesquite
Planning and Zoning
P.O. Box 850137
Mesquite, TX 75185-0137

Will those who apply need other licenses or permits or verification of any kind in Mesquite?

Further licenses are only required if you work in an industry that is governed the state such as attorneys, estheticians, doctors, or the like. However, it is important to know that even if you won’t have to receive state or city licensing or permitting, every business owner is required to have their business locations or business properties verified with the Planning and Zoning Department and with the Fire Department to ensure that the location(s) are within the proper sections of the city and that those location(s) are safe by the Fire Department’s standards. Contact the Zoning Department at:

City of Mesquite
Planning and Zoning Department
1515 North Galloway Avenue
Mesquite, TX 75149
Phone: (972) 216-6216
Fax: (972) 216-8109
Mesquite Planning

The hours of operation for the Planning and Zoning Department are Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

City of Mesquite
Fire Department
1515 North Galloway Avenue
Mesquite, TX 75149
Phone: (972) 216-6267

The Fire Department’s hours of operation are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

The necessary forms for location verification are all available online at Mesquite Online Documents.

Any further questions?

In regards to city permitting and licensing, you may contact the Mesquite City Secretary. They will provide details about current requirements. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

City of Mesquite
City Secretary
1515 North Galloway Avenue
Mesquite, TX 75149
(972) 216-6244
Mesquite Online Documents

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

Abilene Amarillo Arlington
Austin Baytown Beaumont
Brownsville Bryan Carrollton
College Station Corpus Christi Dallas
Denton El Paso Flower Mound
Fort Worth Galveston Garland
Grand Prairie Harlingen Houston
Irving Killeen Laredo
Lewisville Longview Lubbock
McAllen McKinney Mesquite
Midland Missouri City North Richland Hills
Odessa Pasadena Plano
Port Arthur Richardson Round Rock
San Angelo San Antonio Sugar Land
Temple Tyler Victoria
Waco Wichita Falls

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This site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or tax advise. The information on this site should not be relied upon as an official source of information and should be independently verified.


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