Louisiana Job Market and Online Business Programs
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Leading industries within the state of Louisiana include energy and forest products. The oil and gas industries are expected to rev up jobs and the state’s economy over the long run. The state is an appealing place to live and do business because living expenses are low and there is plenty of room for new business. Overall, the best job opportunities here are in the energy sector, agribusiness, digital software, healthcare, clean tech, and water management. With Louisiana State University and the Southern University system, this is a rich learning environment for surrounding businesses. Trade and utilities hold the most employment for the state, followed by government.
According to the Louisiana Division of Administration, the state is home to one of the largest oil and natural gas producers in the country. They’re the third largest petroleum refiner in the nation. Louisiana was also one of the first to explore off shore oil drilling. Not surprisingly, a few oil giants, Shell and Cheveron, have facilities in Louisiana. This is a major oil state.
Food production and manufacturing is also a big industry in Louisiana. Due to the geographical location of the state, fishing, selling, and shipping seafood is a major revenue source for the state. Seafood export includes shrimp, fish, shellfish, and crayfish. Other food production includes sugar cane, pecans, and rice. Careers in agribusiness are prevalent. Of course, in any of these industries also come opportunities in corporate management, finance, marketing, manufacturing, statistics, project management, and human resources. A business degree would pair well with any potential jobs within the listed sectors.
Getting an online business degree in Louisiana
As in most states, the University systems in Louisiana offer programs that are more or less particular to the industry of the state. Loyola University in New Orleans offers business programs such as accounting, economics, international business, finance, and marketing. Louisiana State University offers a greater selection of degree programs and great training for professionals in some of the top industries. Their College of Engineering is well known and perfect for those hoping to continue with a career in this area, as they specialize in petroleum, mechanical, and chemical elements that are so vital to the energy business. LSU offers online business degrees through their college of business. This includes bachelors of accounting, finance, economics, trade, finance and of course, the online MBA.
Baton Rouge is home to one University of Phoenix campus as well. Their online business degree program is reputable and well known for their student accommodations. Online business degrees are available in the areas of accounting, finance, management, marketing, HR, and more.
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Accounting | Business Administration | Business Marketing |
Communication | Information Technology | MBA |
Human Resources | Project Management | Supply Chain Management |
Entrepreneurship | Finance |
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