Apply For A Business License Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Are you looking for a business license in Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

You will need to obtain a business license from the Milwaukee City Clerk’s Office located at 200 E. Wells Street, room 105 in Milwaukee, or if you wish, you may contact the City Clerk’s Office by phone at (414) 286-2238. There are several business license applications online on the City of Milwaukee website. You will need to choose the business license best suited to your business activities. If you need assistance in determining the best license application for your business, you can contact the City Clerk’s Office if Milwaukee, Wisconsin at (414) 286-2238.

Will you need additional business licenses or permits to operate a business in Milwaukee, WI?

If you plan to operate a business that sells or serves alcohol, you will need to apply for a liquor license, which will require special permission and a special business license application. The type of liquor that you plan to serve will also require special licensure. You may need to have inspections and background checks for your business and these will likely be at your own cost. Some business applications may be required to be notarized or be approved by polices or fire departments. 

These inspections and approvals may take extra time and you should plan accordingly to be certain that all licensure is in place prior to your business opening. In addition to local agencies, you may need to contact federal and state agencies to obtain permits, tax numbers, and licenses. Contact the Milwaukee City Clerk’s Office for more information regarding any additional licenses you may need to operate your business.

What information is needed to complete a Milwaukee, WI business license application?

Most business license applications require information specific to your business and you as the owner. Some of this information includes your name and a current address and contact phone number. The name of your business should be provided, as well as a mailing and physical address of your business location. Certain applications will require that you provide information about yourself, such as your birthplace and birthdate. You will need to determine the ownership type that your business is under, whether individually owned, owned by a larger corporation, or whether you are involved in a partnership. 

If your business is owned by a corporation, you will need to include your articles of incorporation as well as corporation headquarters information (mailing address, president's name, etc). You need to provide a name and phone number for a contact of your business. You may need to supply background information regarding any criminal convictions that you have on your record. A signature will denote that you have read all city ordinances and are familiar with them, that you have provided only true and accurate information to the best of your knowledge, and that you will comply with all local, state, and federal conditions pertaining to operating a business in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

If you have any questions regarding your business license application, you may contact the City Clerk’s Office at (414) 286-2238.

What are the costs that you will be expected to incur for a Milwaukee, WI business license?

Your business license fees will be determined by the type of business that you plan to operate. They are calculated by the City Clerk’s Office. There is a fee schedule available online on the City of Milwaukee website. Expect to pay between approximately $100.00 and $300.00 for most licenses. However, there will be variations and you may be required to pay for additional licenses, permits, and inspections.

Do you need more information about obtaining a Milwaukee, WI business license?

Contact the Milwaukee City Clerk’s Office at (414) 286-2238 for more information regarding a business license, or if you wish, you may visit them in person at 200 E. Wells Street, room 105 in Milwaukee. You may also want to explore the City of Milwaukee, WI website for more information that is helpful to those that plan to operate their own business within the City of Milwaukee, WI. 

Click the link to your city below to apply for a business license

Appleton Eau Claire Janesville
Kenosha La Crosse Madison
Milwaukee Racine Waukesha
West Allis

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