Apply For A New Hampshire Marriage License

What do we need to do to get married in New Hampshire?

In order to get married, the couple must first receive a New Hampshire marriage license and then have their marriage solemnized through a marriage ceremony. Marriage licenses are obtained by filing an application at a Town or City Clerk’s office in any town or city in New Hampshire. Once the license is issued, it is good for any marriage performed in the state.

Is the marriage license application process difficult in New Hampshire?

No, the process in New Hampshire is quite straightforward. Unless there are extenuating circumstance, such as one of the applicants is currently deployed as a member of the armed forces, you and your fiance will need to appear together and in person to file the marriage license application, which only requires some basic information to fill out.

Such information may include:
• Your full name
• Your address
• Social Security Number
• Race or ancestry
• Highest completed level of education
• Date of birth
• State of birth
• Father's full name and state of birth
• Mother's full maiden name and state of birth

If either party was previously married or a member of a civil union, you will also need to provide certified papers showing how and when the marriage ended, such as annulment papers, the final divorce decree, a civil union dissolution, or the death certificate of the previous spouse. Both parties will also need to provide photo ID to prove their identification and age. Acceptable ID includes a driver’s license, passport, or military identification card.

How much does it cost for a New Hampshire marriage license?

Currently marriage licenses in New Hampshire cost $45, which must be paid at the time you file your application. Additional certified copies of the marriage license are also available for a fee of $12.

When must we get married in New Hampshire after we have received our license?

The marriage license is valid in New Hampshire as soon as it is issued, which is usually on the same day that you file your license application. The license then expires 90 days after it is issued. If you do not use the license within those 90 days, you will need to reapply for a new license and pay the license fee again.


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